swissbow technique / tool
you have already successfully built several bows. now you want to saw and gluethe the riser as shown in the picture below. here you can download a building manual with detailed instructions for a great tool.
for a fee of 5.- swiss francs you will receive detailed instructions on how to build and use this great tool. to be able to use this tool you need a stable and accurate band saw.
after completing the payment you will be forwarded automatically to the download. if there are problems send me a mail so i can help you.
swissbow technique: making / shaping a bow grip
how do i proceed if i want to make a good and comfortable grip on a laminated bow ( deflex / reflex, longbow ) ? what do i have to pay attention to when shaping the riser ( grip ) ?
for a fee of 5.- swiss francs you will receive detailed instructions on how to build and use this great tool. to be able to use this tool you need a stable and accurate band saw.
after completing the payment you will be forwarded automatically to the download. if there are problems send me a mail so i can help you.